Better mission outcomes
from the ground up.

Fast, accurate, and automated man-made vertical obstruction data for the military and intelligence community.

Foundation Stack + GlobalVO | Pylon Identification

who we are

Since 2019, Foundation Stack AI has helped warfighters go above and beyond—while staying under 300 feet.

We combine expertise in U.S. National Security, AI, and automation technologies to provide clients with global, on-demand, man-made vertical obstructions data that actively reduces the risk to mission and life.

We work in high resolution and in near real-time, so we never lose sight of what’s important.

Detecting 21 VO features with innovative AI


Helping you navigate what’s ahead
—and in near real-time.

Foundation Stack AI offers Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), support, and custom solutions for the military and intelligence community.

With today’s ever-changing global and geographical landscape, our clients can no longer depend on outdated databases, time-consuming cold starts, and labor-intensive processes. What they can’t readily see—and can’t easily use—affects mission success, survivability, and our national security.

And that’s where GlobalVO™ comes in.

Foundation Stack + GlobalVO | Water Tower

Find man-made structures with
AI + Human teaming

GlobalVO™ helps you easily detect, identify, confirm, and filter specific features down to twenty feet tall, anywhere in the world, in minutes.


Automating quality VO data for the military and intelligence communities—and beyond.

GIS / GEOINT Analysts

Aviation & Aeronavigation

ISR Support

Search &


See what’s on the horizon

with the latest in AI and human-machine teaming.

Foundation Stack + GlobalVO | Powerlines Flight Path

“This is best seen in a crisis response scenario where everyone is trying to maximize output in little to no time.

Time is not a commodity that can be added to that equation, but Foundation Stack data helps us solve that with a head start on where to look.”


Proudly serving the U.S. Military and Intelligence Communities at the mission level

*The appearance of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.